Welcome! We appreciate your interest to re-register.
Below you may find re-registration forms and supporting documents (where applicable) for different categories (gestalt therapist, GPO, organization).
If you are already registered, there is no need to register again – for registered members, additional files can be uploaded here!
For any further questions, please contact our office at info@eagt.org.
Here you may find Supporting documents and templates for gestalt therapist
- First reregistration after 5 years of membership
- Every 5th year thereafter
- 4th re-registration (20 year membership)
- EAGT assumes that those who want to re-register for the 4th time in a row have repeatedly proven themselves to be proficient, professional and ethical members of the community. Therefore, at this point of the 4th re-registration (20 year membership) , members will be required only to complete a self-declaration to uphold EAGT code of ethics and professional conduct. They will also acknowledge that any breach of this code will result in revoking their privileged status.
- If this is your 4th re-registration, after 20 years of membership, please use the following form: Self-declaration
Re-Registration: GPO
Please use the following form: for Re-Registration as GPO
Re-registration is required every 5 years until 4th time when Self declaration can be used: Self-declaration
You may find the requirements and supporting documents using the following links:
- Training institutes supporting documents
- NOGT supporting documents
- Professional organizations supporting documents
And more information about training standards and requirements can be found in the Training standards paper.
For all categories’ re-registration, please use common form and file upload link: Form and file upload