Statutes and Bylaws

EAGT “European Association for Gestalt Therapy” has been registered as an association under Dutch law since 2018. The Articles of Association (or Statutes) were created at time of registration. Statutes set out the status and governing principles of EAGT under Dutch law, and can only be changed via an application to the Dutch authorities. Statutes set out:

  • the ‘objects’ (i.e. purpose) of the organisation
  • details of eligibility for membership of EAGT and the rights/duties of members
  • Details of EAGT’s democratic governance via the General Meeting of Members (GMM) and responsibilities delegated to the Executive Committee.

 Download  Statutes  below


EAGT Bylaws are rules governing the internal affairs of EAGT. They cover the responsibilities of committees within the EAGT governance structure, and responsibilities of key roles such as committee chairs. Additionally they include procedure for nominating and electing candidates for roles within EAGT. Bylaws also cover financial procedure and advertising policy. Bylaws can be changed by agreement of the membership.

 Download Bylaws Below