General Board

The General Board 

The General Board is the governing board of EAGT. The board consists of both the members of the Executive Committee, the representatives of National Associations of Gestalt Therapy (NOGTs) and chairs of committees.

  • The General Board leads the policy of EAGT and follows the aims of the Association and the decisions of the Meeting of the Members. It gives the Executive Committee guidelines for executing EAGT’s policy.
  • The General Board shall consist of the delegates of National Associations of Gestalt Therapy (NOGTs), the Executive Committee and chairs of committees. The delegates of the NOGTs are appointed by them (NOGT’s). It is expected that the delegates stay at least for a period of 3 years, to give to the board continuity, but with a maximum 9 years.
  • The General Board meetings shall be convened if the interest of the association shall so demand (at least once per year), or if one third of its members shall demand convening in writing, indicating the purpose thereof and  reasons therefore. 
  • The General Board is chaired by the President in her/his absence by the vice-president.
  • The General Board shall adopt its resolutions by way of a simple majority and shall devise its own rules of  procedure.
  • The NOGT representatives, members and chairs of committees are full members of EAGT.