In memoriam Joppie Bakker

On Tuesday September 10th, our dear colleague and EAGT member Joppie Bakker from The Netherlands passed away.

We are very grateful for all she did for the EAGT and Gestalt community.

Please read more about Joppie in the attached letter by Frans Meulmeester, Chair of the Dutch Flemish Gestalt Association NVAGT

2 responses

  1. Nancy Amendt-Lyon has asked me to post this for her.

    Joppie Bakker and I got to know each other through our cooperation as members of the Executive Committee of the EAGT many years ago. She was a warm-hearted, bright, and reliable colleague with a subtle sense of humor. Her contribution to the EAGT was substantial, especially to the establishment of a code of ethics. I remember her with affection and appreciation for the time we spent together.
    Nancy Amendt-Lyon

  2. Dear collegues,
    I am so sad to read this.
    Joppie was one of my first contacts in EAGT, with her wisom and responsibilty she was Chair of the Ethics Committee, when I joined that group coming from GB as national rep from Austria.
    She was an impressive figure to me, in her calm and sharp way of thinking and loving and humorous style.
    I very much appreciate what she gave to EAGT, the ongoing development of Ethical Standards for that organisation and how welcoming she was to me when I first entered EAGT.
    with sadness for her loss and gratefulness that we have met,

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